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Have a great day, From your friends at Free-eBooks.net
The Great Detective & the Missing Footballer
Humor, by Gurmeet Mattu
This affectionate parody sees the great Victorian detective transplanted to the modern day and investigating the disappearance of a Manchester United member. How will he and his sidekick cope with a grumpy Scots manager, a mini-skirted WAG, a homosexual midfielder and a landlady who insists on fusion cuisine?
Drama, by Morgan La Femina
Joseph Cruse wants to go to college, get away from his corrupt hometown but when his mother ibecomes ill and his disabled brother Danny gets involved with local thugs, he has to put his life on hold. Now with his brother and a widening circle of friends including his girlfriend Trisha in jeopardy he must hurry to put the pieces together before it is too late. Copper is a suspenseful thriller of greed, family secrets, gangs, the past we all must face, the love of brothers, of family and the cost of staying behind.
No Time To Play
Short Stories, by Scott Zarcinas
Robbie O'Neil has stolen some candy for his brother Pauly. But this is no ordinary candy. It's fake... and it has the power to ruin lives.
Silence of a Soldier
History, by William J. Duggan
It was 1942. The fight for the Philippines was over. Japan was the victor. American POW's sat beneath the burning April sun in the fields of Mariveles. Bub Merrill looked out to sea to see an outline of American held Corregidor, tantalizingly close, just three miles away across the bay, but orders had come down not to try to make it. Most of them were too weak to make it anyway. So began the Bataan Death March. At the point of a bayonet, 75,000 U.S. and Filipino POW's carried sacks of rice, dried fish and more for the Japanese move across the Philippines. Thousands died. Bub survived. This is his story.
A Simple Plan To Create The New You
Health, by Jim Cooper
Four years ago I was told that I had to lose 22lbs. I never had to lose weight before so I had no idea how to accomplish this. A Simple Plan To Create The New You reveals the straight forward and easy to follow plan I used to lose 25lbs. keep it off.
Los Cuatro Vientos y el Arco Iris
Espanol, por Miguel Angel Ravina
Esta obra al estilo de Harry Potter, narra la aventura imaginaria de cuatro jóvenes amigos, que a través de un viaje al arco iris luchan contra el mal.Los quinceañeros Esteban, Nora y Susana, amigos de la infancia, cursan el tercer año de la escuela secundaria, siendo su desempeño regular al igual que su popularidad...
Author Series: Arlene Radasky
eBookEnvy.com Article
This week, our own Jennifer Lynn sat down and had a talk with Arlene Radasky about her book The Fox...
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